Instant Lawn | Instant Turf Adelaide
Natural lawn which is often called instant lawn comes in a wide range of species. Tim can help you choose the right variety that will suit your landscaping the best depending on the quality of soil, the shade level and what it will be purposed for.
Tim’s Total Turf Care provide a quality range of instant lawn and turfs whilst providing an exceptional level of expertise and personalised service to support you in making an informed decision.
Instant turf is quick and can be a great investment for commercial and residential customers. Our range of turf is highly adaptable, requiring minimal maintenance with wear resistance properties. Tim will advise on the best choice of turf to use from the below:
- Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum)
- Sir Walter Soft Leaf Buffalo (Stenotaphrum secundatum)
- Couch (Cynadon dactylon) – Conquest or Santa ana
- Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
With affordable prices, Tim will take care of your instant lawn needs. You can trust Tim’s Total Turf Care to get the job done right, every time.

Contact Tim’s Total Turf Care today to discuss your turf, lawn, irrigation, maintenance or landscape requirements.
Book a time and date for your consultation and receive a free quote.